Welcome to the Upper Donside Bowling Club website.  The club is located in the small village of Glenkindie, in the heart of Aberdeenshire, near to the Cairngorms National Park.

Latest News

100 Club

The draw for July took place on Friday 26 July. Check here for the results.

2024 Open Triples Tournament

UDBC hosted this year’s Triples Tournament on Saturday 8th June and, despite the best efforts of the weather, the tournament went well with plenty of intense but fun competition.


For more information, click here.

2024 Competitions

Now the competitions for 2024 have started, results can be found on the Competitions tab on this website.

Good luck to all teams this season.

Tomintoul and Glenlivet Outdoor Bowling Club Open Day
On Saturday 27 April 6 members of UDBC travelled to Tomintoul and Glenlivet Outdoor Bowling Club to play in a friendly competition with other clubs from the area.
The weather held off for most of the time although there was a hail shower near the end. A member of T and G was hear to make the comment – “it’s like bowling on chuckies!”.
There was keen and friendly competition with refreshments afterwards and a raffle.
A big thank you to the club for arranging the competition, the friendly welcome and an experience for those of us who haven’t bowled on an artificial surface.
Good luck to all bowlers for the 2024 season.

Opening day

After a long winter and a lot of work by Callum, UDBC opened the 2024 season with Barbara Buchan, winner of the UDBC Ladies Singles and Robert Pate, winner of the Perpetual Cup Gents Singles, delivering the first bowls.

Defibrillator Training

UDBC hosted a well attended, successful morning of defibrillator and CPR training in conjunction with the Glenkindie and Towie Group.  The training was expertly provided by Lorna Donaldson from the Scottish Ambulance Service.  A big thank you to her and everyone who attended.


SAS Wildcat is a lifesaving initiative that utilises volunteers to respond to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.


Should anyone wish to make a donation to SAS Wildcat Cardiac Responders please click on this link.

Kildrummy, Lumsden, and Towie Windmill Fund and Foundation Scotland

We are pleased to announce the generous award of funds from the Kildrummy, Lumsden, and Towie Windmill Fund and Foundation Scotland.
These funds will contribute to core running and development costs for three years to enable UDBC to continue operating and improve the facilities to make them more attractive to members and the wider community and increase community use.
As part of the development, investigation has started into the causes of drainage problems with part of the green. Sandy Duncan Contractors have dug a test trench in order to investigate the problem.
One solution we have tried is deep aeration of the green carrried out by Callum.  We wait to see how effective this is.
In addition, the interior of the clubhouse will be re-decorated, the ceiling repaired after a water leak and new lighting installed. Work should be completed before the start of the season on Saturday April 13th.
This is all very timely as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Club in 2024.

Upper Donside Charitable Trust

We also have to give a big thank you to Upper Donside Charitable Trust who have awarded us with £250 which we have put towards a new leaf blower.

100 Club SuperDraw

The SuperDraw numbers were drawn at today’s Annual General Meeting.  Click here for the results.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.